Winter is Coming…Is Your Immune System Ready?

Why are some of us more prone to catching cold or viral infections, or experiencing greater symptoms when exposed to them?  Stress, diet, social habits, sleep patterns and activity levels all contribute to our overall well-being; and they all have a profound effect on our immune system.

A healthy immune system can reduce and perhaps even prevent viral infection and flu. It is our first line of defense against harmful microorganism entering our bodies; and the stronger our immune system is, the less chance we have of falling ill.

Among those most affected and at the highest risk of complications, are people with compromised immune systems because of age, underlying medical conditions, medications or other risk factors. But make no mistake, we must all be kind to our immune system and simple lifestyle changes and natural nutrients can dramatically improve our body’s ability to protect us.

We all know the lifestyle changes we need to make: Eat right, exercise, sufficient sleep, practice good social habits and minimize stress.  Easy, right?  But for most of us, it is an ongoing battle to make good choices all the time.  And to fortify our immune system, we can use natural sources to provide missing nutrients that can balance our flora and lymph system and sooth inflammation created by invasive flu and virus strains.

And natural herbal tinctures are one the most efficient resources for many of the nutrients we need to combat the invisible enemies of the bacterial and viral world.  To that end, we have created some synergistic herbal formula tincture extracts that incorporate many different herbs, and specifically nurture and strengthen the immune system. You can explore all of the wonderful herbs included in these formulas to learn more about them.

Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa)

Chlorella is the world’s highest known source of chlorophyll, and it is also one of the most nutritious substances on earth. Loaded with vitamins, important minerals, and nucleic acid, rich green algae is truly a gift of nature that is virtually a complete food. Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and other pesticides, cleansing the bloodstream. When all of our bodies’ systems are functioning well, we are able to eliminate poisons, repair damage, combat colds and ward off viruses and disease.

Elderberry Syrup Plus|Flower & Berry with Cinnamon, Clove and Honey

The flowers and berries are sweat inducing.  At the first sign of flu, used in combination with Peppermint, it will promote free perspiration which will generally help to get rid of flu quickly. Elderberry flowers are used to treat bronchial and upper respiratory disorders as well as hay fever. Considered to have a mild laxative action, it also may be used for rheumatism, gout, combating free radicals and inflammation. It is also used for influenza and cold sores.

Usnea (Usnea barbata)

Usnea is an immune system tonic that can be used in acute situations, as well as for long-term immune enhancement and general prevention. Be sure to remember this humble but powerful plant when the cold and flu season comes around this year or any other time your immune system needs an extra boost. It has no side effects and is safe for children and animals. It can be used along with or instead of Echinacea.

Usnea is more specific for strep and staph infections than Echinacea, and its antibiotic properties are most specific to the respiratory and urinary systems.

CFF #1084|Liquid Herbal Immune Support

These herbs are often used in natural medicine to build immune system and rid the body of toxins. The formula contains Cat’s Claw, Violet, Periwinkle, Bhringaraja, Mistletoe, Sage, Yarrow, Burdock, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Yellow Dock & more. 

White Pine Bark (Pinus strobis)

White Pine Bark, an old and trusted remedy for colds and flu. It loosens and expels phlegm from the respiratory tract, easing bronchitis and lung congestion, and the warming qualities can stimulate circulation, which may be helpful in warding off colds and flu before they can settle in. One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, White Pine Bark has been the focus of much attention in the area of combating free radicals and preventing strokes.

An excellent expectorant, the inner bark has been a standard herbal remedy for a very long time for treating coughs, whooping cough, croup, bronchitis, laryngitis and chest congestion due to colds. White Pine Bark, as a warming and aromatic stimulant, is said to increase circulation and further help to overcome or prevent the onset of colds and flu by raising circulation of the blood. White Pine Bark is the second highest source of nature’s most potent antioxidants, which fight free radical damage in the body. These qualities are helpful in building the immune system and fighting invasive material and other infections.

Anti-B Herbal Formula #1018|Liquid Compound Formula

This herbal formula contains Echinacea Root, Goldenseal Leaf, Poke Root and Cayenne Pepper. People have been using herbal antibiotics traditionally for centuries to combat microbes that cause illnesses. These herbs are believed to have properties which support the immune systems. Herbal antibiotics are milder than their pharmaceutical counterparts, which makes using them for minor illnesses a logical option. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the overuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics causes microbes to mutate and grow stronger.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is a natural and normal part of our diets. Whole wheat and mushrooms are just two food sources that contain relatively large amounts of silver. Because no known disease-causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of the chemical element of metallic silver, Colloidal Silver is believed to be effective as part of a treatment for more than 650 different pathogens. 

Colloidal Silver is the result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. These microscopic particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver kills pathogens very quickly and may cause the eliminatory organs; the liver, kidneys, skin, bowels, and lungs to be temporarily overloaded, creating flu like symptoms as the destroyed pathogens move through the digestive system. You should drink up to 4 liters of water a day, and take five or six grams of vitamin C while using Colloidal Silver. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, it leaves the tissue-cell enzymes intact, and is absolutely safe for humans, animals, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter.

Our immune system is our rapid response system. It patrols your body and is the first responder in during an invasion. When the system is working properly, it recognizes, then surrounds and engulfs the invader. It is our first line of defense and should be in our utmost concern, especially during flu season.

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