Controlling Diverticulitis Naturally

Controlling Diverticulitis Naturally
Have you been diagnosed with diverticulitis?  Welcome to one of the fastest growing groups
in the United States today. 
Diverticulitis is ranked in the top six disorders diagnosed at
ambulatory care centers, and there were
more than 236,000 deaths, in the United
States, with a digestive disease as the underlying cause.  This represents 9.8 percent of all deaths,
during that year,
according to the studies*. 
We lead the world by an almost 75%
margin in documented cases of the disorder. 
And, it really comes down to two issues; first, the endless ingestion of
toxic substances that we are allowing in our bodies, both knowingly and
unknowingly and second,  the drugs
commonly prescribed by the medical community. 
It may be time to consider a more natural, logical approach, through the
use of lifestyle changes, healthy nutrition and natural herbal choices.
The prevalence of diverticulitis has risen drastically since the 1920s and
this can be directly attributed to an increase in corporate production of and consumption
of refined foods and prescription drugs.
Sugar, colas and soft-drinks, over
processed foods, fats and oils, tobacco products and alcohol, prescription
drugs, chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives; this has been their gift to us,
and it just keeps on giving; in the form of disease and despair. 

But first, it is important to
understand how diverticulitis develops. 
Pouches (diverticula) form in the wall of the 
large intestine and food particles and feces become lodged in these pouches.  They
look like small balloons protruding from the exterior wall of the colon. This
is called diverticulosis.  When bacteria
forms and the pouches become inflamed or infected
it becomes a more
serious illness, diverticulitis.
can range from a mild infection to a severe one, depending on lifestyle and
nutritional habits.  O
ver time, the walls of the intestine may break down and then
begin to tear from the pressure of
food particles or feces pushing them through the intestinal wall.  If the infection spills into the abdominal
cavity (peritoneal), it can infect the abdominal wall, and may develop into
This infection, in turn, may spread
to other parts of the body (sepsis).  If
an abnormal opening, a fistula, forms between two parts of the large intestine,
or between the large intestine and other organs, such as the bladder, 
vagina, or urethra, the bacteria and infection can spread to
these organs as well. And ultimately, diverticulitis can cause bowel
obstruction in the colon.
So, you can see where this is
going.  Once you have been diagnosed with
diverticulitis, you will, in all likelihood, need to control the symptoms for
the rest of your life.  Look at it as a
condition, like diabetes or asthma.  It
doesn’t have to lessen the quality of your life and can actually improve it, if
you control the condition by using natural, logical methods.
The most common
course of treatment in standard American medicine is to prescribe a
pharmaceutical solution.  The most
commonly prescribed drug is Cipro.  The problem with this drug, like so many chemically
created drugs, is that the lingering side effects created by fluoroquinolones,
the active ingredient in ciprogloxacin, can cause chronic illness and
longer you are exposed to the drug, the more likely it is that you will be
adversely affected by it.   Side
effects and contraindications of the drugs doctors prescribe are readily
available in the Physician’s Desk Reference. 
I do not recall any doctor I have dealt with for a relative or myself
that has ever explained this in detail when prescribing a drug.  It is rare that a doctor discusses these
possibilities with their patients.
Furthermore, this drug does not heal
the diverticula (the pouch); this is just an antibiotic to kill the bacterium
that exists during the time you are taking the drug. If you do not change your
digestive environment, the diverticulitis will likely return and you will
likely be prescribed more Cipro. 
The problem with this is that your
body, over time, develops an immunity to antibiotics, then the antibiotics
begin to ravage your “good” bacteria, which further breaks down your immune
system and makes you more and more susceptible to the spread of infection,
caused by new episodes of gathering bacteria in the diverticula
Aside from the immune issues, according to
the FDA, Ciproflaxin (the
active ingredient contained in Cipro) may cause allergic reactions, such as;
hives; difficult breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, can
occur while taking this medication. 
Other possible side effects include, severe dizziness, fainting, fast or
pounding heartbeats, sudden pain, snapping or popping sound, bruising,
swelling, tenderness, stiffness, or loss of movement in any of your joints,
diarrhea that is watery or bloody, confusion, hallucinations, depression,
unusual thoughts or behavior, seizure (convulsions), severe headache, ringing
in your ears, dizziness, nausea, vision problems, pain behind your eyes, pale
or yellowed skin, dark colored urine, fever, weakness, urinating less than
usual or not at all, easy bruising or bleeding, numbness, tingling, severe skin
reaction, fever, sore throat, swelling in your face or tongue, burning in your
eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially
in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.  Less serious side effects of ciprofloxacin
may include; nausea, vomiting, dizziness or drowsiness, blurred vision, feeling
nervous, anxious, or agitated, and/or sleep problems (insomnia or
nightmares).  The onset of pseudomembranous colitis symptoms may occur during or after
antimicrobial treatment.
So, how do you get off this
As with
almost any malady, the most important course of action should include changes
in diet, exercise and lifestyle. 
But, there are many natural sources that can help restore
balance to your digestive system and stem the damage caused by environmental
are some herbal options that may speed up the healing process.
Probably the most important contribution of these herbs is
that they can provide nutritional elements that are lacking in most diets.   To maximize the healing effects of herbs,
try use a liquid tincture formula.  The
liquid formulas, when made with alcohol, have a very long shelf life, (about 5
years).  A glycerin base will last about
2 years.  Because you only need a small
amount, usually 12 to 14 drops three times a day, it makes them more cost
effective than other herbal forms.  They
will process in your system more rapidly and will maximize absorption of the
herbal properties.
Aloe Vera juice has a powerful curative effect on digestive disorders
like diverticulitis. If used regularly, most people report positive results in
3 – 30 days, depending on their condition. 
It is also acts as a good base for mixing liquid tincture herbs, which
can sometimes have a strong taste.  You
can add a non-citric juice for flavor as well, if needed.

Barley grass is the only
vegetation on earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old
age.  It also detoxifies the body from harmful substances that we digest
every day. It is one of the best herbs to use to eliminate heavy
metal poisoning because it attaches to metals such as lead, mercury,
aluminum, etc., and carries them out of the body. It promotes tissue
repair and heals the stomach and duodenal ulcers and any inflammation
in the digestive tract.

Barley grass
is one of the oldest of all cultivated grains, and is cultivated before the
seed.  Therefore, it is gluten free. It
is a free radical scavenger super green that helps with detoxification,
internal cleansing, and tissue repair and contains high amounts of chlorophyll,
nature’s deodorizer.  Barley grass also
provides nearly three dozen vitamins and minerals essential to human health
including calcium, iron, potassium, folic acid and vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C
and E which are all present in high levels. 

It has
been used to relieve inflammation and soothes stomach distress, but it can
also tone and strengthen the stomach walls. As a digestive aid, this quality
assists the digestive tract and helps to relieve dyspepsia (including
lacto-dyspepsia in children), flatulence, heartburn, nausea, gastritis,
duodenal and peptic ulcers, and also helps to improve the appetite. Barley
Grass is said to soothe intestinal irritation and ease many intestinal
problems, including constipation.  It is
used to improve colon health, facilitate daily regularity and may also be
helpful in preventing serious malignant bowel disease.

Kelp, which is rich in nutrients, and other
seaweeds that contain naturally occurring iodine, are the great gift from the
sea. One of the main benefits of liquid Kelp is that it strengthens your immune
system to fight off viruses by absorbing and removing drugs, chemicals, heavy
metals and radioactive strontium from the body. Herbalists claim that Kelp’s
active ingredient, sodium alginate, binds these toxins in the gastrointestinal
tract, preventing their absorption into the body.  It is considered a body balancer, promoting adrenal,
pituitary and thyroid health and is soothing to a sensitive or troubled
digestive system, aiding greatly in treating in
recurrent constipation and gastric bloating. 

Kelp kills
bacteria and other disease-causing organisms and absorbs toxins from the
digestive system.  This is helpful for
improving digestion, stimulating kidney function, increasing circulation, and
purifying the blood and it helps balance your body’s PH levels.  And Liquid Kelp supplementations are among
the greatest sources of vitamins and minerals, containing over 70 trace
elements and major minerals including: Iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium,
iron, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, A, C, E, G, S
and K.  Kelp’s rich supply of nutrients
from the sea has a buffering ability to neutralize and discharge waste from the
body to be more easily.

extract, contains papain, a protein dissolving enzyme that breaks down
wheat gluten and carbohydrates for extra digestive protection.  It has been very beneficial for digestion,
and is said to stimulate the bowels in times of constipation, a common side
effect of diverticulitis and is also believed to be useful in treating
inflammatory bowel disorders. Papaya leaf is a source of calcium, iron,
magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5
and C.

Grapefruit seed extract is extremely
anti-microbial, meaning it can fight bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and
will not allow them to thrive. Grapefruit seed is also high in vitamin-C which strengthens
the immune system and naturally helps the body rid itself of toxins and
neutralizes free-radicals. It works like an antibiotic drug, without
destroying good bacteria that you want to be present. It has also been shown to
have an alkalizing agent which helps to balance internal pH and is especially
helpful in eliminating intestinal infections, inhibiting while correcting the
balance of intestinal flora and encouraging the growth of healthy
bacteria.  It can be used to fight a large range of infections and is
one of the best treatments for acidity and relieves indigestion, heartburn and
acid reflux**.

Marjoram Leaf is an aromatic tonic,
which means that it is good
for digestion. It eases sour stomach and stomach pains; and is also a natural disinfectant,
anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antioxidant that effectively relieves pains
and aches.  A mild tonic for the
nervous system, it is thought to be more relaxing than oregano, and it is used
to soothe the nerves and reduce tension. 
It is a natural disinfectant, antiseptic, antifungal and
antibacterial that has healing qualities and combats infection***.

Wild Yams is high in plant hormones, which
may be synthesized to support hormone health and balance.  It is thought to be an antispasmodic that
relieves muscular cramps, abdominal cramps, ovarian and uterine pain, irritable
bowel syndrome, spasmodic hiccoughs.   Wild
Yam is said to be soothing on the nerves (and body) and beneficial for
digestive problems. The herb has been used to expel gas from the stomach and
bowels, and not only relieve wind, but also colic.  Wild Yam is considered a liver cleaner that
has been used for stagnation of the liver and gallbladder and has sometimes
been called one of the best natural relievers of jaundice, bilious colic and
nausea. Its hepatic qualities are thought to support and stimulate the liver,
gallbladder and spleen, and increase the flow of bile, which is not only good
for the liver, but also further supports good digestion.

Licorice offers great support for
digestion and a healthy gastrointestinal system. It soothes the mucous
membranes and protects the stomach and intestines while coating the stomach’s
lining with mucus.  As an antibacterial, licorice seems to stop the growth
of many bacteria and is a further support for treating intestinal infection.  Licorice is an old, mild laxative that is
also known to cleanse the colon. This herb has a cleansing stimulant that
is effective in removing toxins and wastes from the body. Licorice contains Biotin,
calcium, choline, iron, lecithin, magnesium, manganese, pantothenic acid,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and

Marigold, Calendula flower, has been used in
traditional medicine for hundreds of years. In tincture form, taken internally,
calendula promotes the healing process for ailments of the digestive
tract. Calendula works by stimulating the lymphatic system, reducing
swelling and cleansing toxins from the body. Calendula flower tincture
also aids the body with food digestion, especially food that is high in
fat. Since it is a “bitter”, it will soothe indigestion and
heartburn and is thought to be a great herbal remedy for colitis, stomach
cramps and diarrhea.  Calendula protects
the lining of the stomach and intestines by inhibiting the effects of the
bacteria associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers and
stomach cancer. 

Cramp Bark is a Native American remedy that is
mildly sedative with warming and antispasmodic properties that may help ease
painful contractions for people suffering from digestive complaints like diverticulitis,
gastritis, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.

herbal extract is commonly used for its soothing effect on the digestive
system, while toning walls of the digestive tract.  This is makes chamomile a very good choice as
part of the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel
conditions. Chamomile stops spasms in in the smooth lining in the stomach
and intestines and contains chemicals that are anti-inflammatory,
anti-bacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic. As an antispasmodic, it helps to
relieve stomach cramps and can be beneficial for relief from nausea, heart
burn and stress-related flatulence.

Caraway Seed is a good healing source for digestive problems including
constipation, colic, excessive flatulence, indigestion, heartburn,
cramps, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and as an appetite
stimulant. Caraway Seed contains oils, proteins, vitamin A, vitamin C,
niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, potassium, iron, and many

Caraway is an aromatic herb that has
been characterized as the “house cleaner” for the body.  It is an
effective agent for abdominal distention, colic, constipation, hiatal hernia,
mild spastic conditions of the GI tract, and is famous for improving appetite
and soothing many conditions, including gallbladder spasms, excessive
flatulence, nausea and stomach ulcers. Caraway speeds up the digestive system.
Caraway also
promotes the appetite or assists digestion.  It can
protect the digestive system from infections that can lead to ulcers, irritable
bowel syndrome, or IBS, especially when combined with
 Fennel or Peppermint. Herbalists consider it one of the most important herbs for
strengthening the intestines. The fiber contained in Caraway seed binds to
toxins in food and helps protect the colon mucus membrane from cancerous cell

Cat’s Claw originates from the Peruvian
rainforests and is becoming widely recognized as a superior immune stimulant
with antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It is said to be a “life-giving”
tonic that cleanses the intestinal tract, supports healthy blood pressure
levels, Cat’s Claw has a wide range of therapeutic applications, but
particularly for the digestive system, balancing the intestinal flora and
strengthening the immune system.

It has been
used to treat infections and a wide range of intestinal disorders, including
diverticulosis and diverticulitiand
to act against Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium associated with gastritis and
peptic ulcers. The emergence of knowledge about Cat’s Claw tinctures couldn’t
have come at a better time now that many are fearful that the war on cancer is
being lost, that new deadly viruses are evolving, and new “super
bacteria” are developing due to overuse of antibiotics.  

It is
believed to effectively cleanse and detoxify the intestinal tract and replenish
friendly bacteria. Most bowel diseases are the result of the disruption of the
growth of beneficial flora, and without the proper balance, the immune system
may be adversely affected. Consequently, Cat’s Claw not only enhances the
natural defense system, but it also is said to relieve the discomforts of
intestinal disorders, such as diverticulitis, leaky bowel, colitis and

Slippery Elm Bark is known to reduce
inflammation of the intestinal tract. Soothing the inflamed mucous membranes of
the bowel and neutralizing excess acids in the intestines, which make it
beneficial for Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis,
diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome. It has also been used to ease
constipation and chronic diarrhea. One of its oldest uses has been as a tonic
for the digestive tract; its high mucilage content soothes the inflamed
mucous membranes of the stomach and neutralizes excess stomach acid, making it
a great remedy for the digestive system. It is said to soothe the sore feeling
that often follows vomiting. Herbalists have used it as a remedy for ulcers and

Finally, it is time to face reality and stand up to; the
advertisers, the manufacturers, the public and institutional food processers,
the chemical companies and the pharmaceutical companies, and remove them, their
influence and their products from your daily life. 

As it
progresses, the debilitating nature of diverticulitis can severely limit your
quality of life if positive change does not occur. The most difficult part of
change is taking responsibility for a condition and then taking charge to make
that change happen. Take responsibility for the factors that trigger your
symptoms and take charge of your wellbeing, by creating a plan that you can
live with; a plan that can make you feel good again.

Here are some guidelines you can
follow to eliminate the deterioration and debilitation caused by
Try natural herbs to avoid harmful
pharmaceutical side effects.
the balance of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system with a good

“Good” bacterium that is destroyed by environmental and pharmaceutical
substances, are vital to the health of your digestive system.
Remove all
artificial and natural sugars from your diet to improve your immune system’s
response time. A pathogenic bacterium thrives on sugar making it more difficult
to fight off infection, thus making repetitive bouts of diverticulitis more
Remove as
many refined food products from your diet as possible. 
your diet should consist of 90 percent raw foods, but that is not realistic in
our culture today.  You need digestive
enzymes, which are found in raw foods, but destroyed by cooking, to digest and
absorb food.  As you age, your internal
glands and organs will, most likely decrease the production of natural enzymes,
your health may deteriorate and disease may become a reality.
Minimize alcohol intake and
eliminate the use of tobacco products.

Always consult
a qualified health care provider before you start, stop, or change any
prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment to determine what course
of therapy is right for you and to ensure you are not predisposed to possible
contraindications that may be present in certain foods or plants.

 *[Author(s). Chapter title. In:] Everhart
JE, editor. The burden of digestive diseases in the United States. US
Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National
Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 2008; NIH Publication
No. 09-6443 [pp. – ].



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