Bitter Sweet…Bitter Orange Peel

Bitter Orange Peel tincture, also known as orange zest, has been used for hundreds of years in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). The fruit comes from an evergreen tree native to Africa, Arabia, and Syria with long spines and incredibly fragrant flowers. The membranes and pulp of the fruit are very sour and bitter. Also known as Chen pi or ju pi, the extract has been used to improve digestion, relieve intestinal gas, bloating, constipation, skin and to resolve coughs with phlegm. It is considered one of the greatest sources of vitamin C and provides a natural, potent source when used to enhance your immune system, support your digestive system and ward off invasive infections.
Weight Control
For those on a weight management plan, Bitter Orange Peel also reduces the desire to overeat, raises metabolism, improves stamina and energy, and speeds up the elimination of unwanted stored fat. It is highly nutritious and offers support for gastrointestinal maladies such as dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, indigestion, upset stomach, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.
Bitter Orange Peel is particularly helpful in the digestion of fatty foods. The component of the extract, d-limonene, food pass smoothly through the stomach, which, in turn, lessens the production of stomach acid. This prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus; one of the main causes of heartburn. And the tincture also works well to soothe a stomachache, even those caused by nervousness. The pectin in Orange Peel stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria, thus helping clear toxins from your system.
Blood Sugar Levels
Bitter Orange Peel is also a good source of pectin, a natural fiber that can help normalize glucose levels. Additionally, it can provide an extra benefit for diabetics and those working to reduce overeating, by decreasing the rise in blood sugar after a meal. It may also be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. In a May 2004 “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” article, Canadian and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture reported that isolated compounds from orange and tangerine peels showed promise as a natural alternative for reducing LDL cholesterol and reducing the levels of triglycerides, both of which are known to contribute to disorders such as adult-onset diabetes and obesity. Therefore, citrus peel extracts may improve insulin sensitivity.
Limonene is also helpful for dissolving kidney stones. In fact, the use of D-limonene mixed with concentrated, unsweetened cranberry juice has proven to work for this condition. Additionally, the antiseptic, bactericidal, and fungicidal properties of the extract may be extremely beneficial in eliminating kidney or urinary tract infections.
Bitter Orange Peel contains anti-inflammatory properties and has shown some promise, even in conventional medicine, in certain types of cancer. Like most of its citrus counterparts, it contains high levels of nobelitin, an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage and fights free radicals. The peel also has a higher level of vitamin C than its juice counterpart and contains natural oil, which is utilized by the body to maintain elasticity in the veins and arteries. This process helps form the connective tissue, collagen, and keep your capillaries and blood vessels healthy. The phytonutrient compounds found in Orange Peel, limonoids, are also being studied as another tool in the fight against cancers of the mouth, stomach, lungs, skin, colon, and breast. The tincture is rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, which has proven particularly helpful in the prevention of lung cancer.
Another quality Bitter Orange Peel offers is a histamine and an anti-inflammatory action, which adds to a long list of reasons why this tincture is highly effective as a lung cleansing herb. It has been used for asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, COPD, and pneumonia. And when you find yourself the victim of a ruthless cough brought on by a cold or the flu, Orange Peel may be just what you need to quiet that cough. The vitamin C content of this tincture provides a powerful antioxidant that can help with secondary respiratory infections and help prevent bronchial inflammation.
Bitter Orange peel contains hesperidin, an antioxidant and natural oil which is utilized by the body to help maintain skin elasticity. It also works well for acne. When applied topically, the extract reduces the oil content of the skin and reduce the frequency of breakouts. Bitter Orange peel’s D-limonene content also acts as a shield against ultraviolet rays, making it an effective natural sunscreen when used in lotions. In fact, the anti-tanning effect can make skin a few shades lighter and remove the harmful effects of the sun on your skin. And Orange Peel is a very good beauty tool, when used in a wash, to remove dead skin cells, tighten pores and make your skin look fresher and more youthful.
From this bitter fruit, come many sweet benefits for your health and wellbeing and enormous medicinal value while providing a wide array of beneficial nutrients; and all from the peel of this tangy fruit.
Contraindications: Those who have heart disease should not take Orange Peel due to its p-synephrine content. If taking prescription medications, consult a physician before taking this product, as it may enhance the effects of drugs in the body. While bitter orange has not undergone formal safety testing, it can cause the same spectrum of adverse events as ephedra. Case reports have linked bitter orange supplements to strokes, angina, and ischemic colitis. It is not recommended during pregnancy, and it should not be used by children.
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