The Stimulating Benefits of Blue Lotus

Debra Mastrianna

History of Blue lotus

Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), also known as the blue water lily, is a mildly psychoactive flower that has been used as a sacrament by several early civilizations.  The plant was central to the Egyptian civilization.  Egyptian mythology describes the blue lotus flower as the mother of their solar deities Amun-Ra and Atum. They believed the world was originally engulfed in darkness and water until a large blue lotus appeared, introducing light to the world upon opening.  And Blue Lotus, or a relative plant from the Nymphaea genus, was also found to have been used by the Mayan civilization in religious rituals.

For centuries, Egyptian Blue Lotus was a part of daily life and commonly used to heighten mental sharpness, consciousness and to widen awareness during ceremonial rituals, rite of passage initiations and harvest celebrations.  This beautiful blue flower is considered to be holy, particularly by the Buddhists. And for ancient Egyptians, the flower was used for a variety of other purposes including stimulant, aphrodisiac, sexual enhancement, and as a remedy against general illness. 

Flower Origin

Egyptian Blue Lotus is a bisexual, star-like flower with blue petals and blue-tipped bright golden yellow stamens in the middle, that grows in freshwater habitats.  The plant was originally found, in abundance, along the Nile River. 

These large, elegant blue flowers are sweetly fragrant and a favorite pollen source for bees.  They have a relatively short-life span, but constantly reflower from spring until the end of summer. Egyptian Blue Lotus is a psychoactive plant belonging to Nymphaeaceae (Water-lily family) whose genus name comes from the Greek word nymphaia referring to a water nymph.

Though once abundant in northern and central Africa and throughout the Nile Delta, Nymphaea caerulea now grows in north-eastern, eastern, and southern Africa and in some parts of southwestern Asia, as well as in India, Thailand and throughout eastern Australia, several island countries in the Pacific, Argentina and southeastern Brazil.

Natural Aphrodisiac

Blue Lotus flower is an effective natural sex stimulant that works as well today as it did in ancient Egypt, for both men and women. Sensory perception and tactile sensation may be heightened, creating a desire for intimacy. Thus, enhancing sexual desire, potency, and longevity in men. Apomorphine, an element in the flower, has also proven effective in treating erectile dysfunction.


Apomorphine has also been found to improve motor function and to slow neurodegeneration.  This shows some promise in the therapeutic use for both Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer disease.  In studies with rats, it reportedly supports neural growth and suppresses addictive behavior, and is now being studied for its potential to suppress tumor cell invasion in vitro. It has also been widely used as a nerve tonic to relax brain cells, tissues, and muscles and to address imbalances in the central nervous system and the disorders that arise from the imbalance.


Other compounds isolated from Egyptian Blue Lotus have been found to have antioxidant properties that help protect the nervous system from degradation.  The flower contains two main active alkaloids, aporphine, which is converted in the body to apomorphine, and nuciferine, that interact with our dopaminergic (dopamine receptors) system.

Users of Egyptian Blue Lotus report a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and improved memory. When you have a healthier circulatory system, your blood flows through your body more easily. Your mind is sharper, and your memory is clearer as the blood flows through and increases circulation to the brain. Egyptian Blue Lotus has been found to provide relief from different kinds of stress and anxiety, as well. Roots of this plant have been shown to help promote relaxation and give a sense of euphoria, easing anxiety and promoting a restful sleep. Egyptian Blue Lotus also inhibits the breakdown of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates many functions, including behavior, pain, gastrointestinal processes, insulin levels, motivation, and mood, keeping more of this neurotransmitter available and likely accounting for most of the psychoactive effects of consuming Egyptian Blue Lotus.

Digestive Health

Egyptian Blue Lotus has also been used as an anxiolytic or analgesic, for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems and lowering blood sugar levels. Diabetes, which is quickly becoming an epidemic, may also benefit from this medicinal flower. Diabetic symptoms, particularly cardiovascular problems, can potentially be regulated with the use of this exotic flower.

Stomach disorders like diarrhea and dysentery react favorably to the rhizome of Egyptian Blue Lotus, as well.  It has also been used in the treatment of damaged livers, jaundice, and other internal gastrointestinal disorders.

For those who suffer from urinary ailments the seeds of this flower have immense potential in regulating the urinary system and healing the bacterial damage created by the ailment.  Various medicines are made from the extracts of Egyptian Blue Lotus to treat and cure stomach disorders by improving the movement of your bowels, giving you fast, effective relief from painful constipation, naturally.

Menstrual Relief

The use of Egyptian Blue Lotus extract may help normalize irregular periods and ease menstruation cramps.  For those who suffer with exaggerated symptoms, during menstruation, this extract can ease and treat the symptoms naturally.

Chronic Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, consider Egyptian Blue Lotus as part of your daily herbal routine. Since the time the Ancient Egyptians discovered the pain-relieving properties of Egyptian Blue Lotus, it has been used help manage the symptoms of pain related to various ailments. And in today’s world, it has been used to alleviate the pain associated with serious illnesses such as arthritis and cancer.

Skin/Hair Health

Egyptian Blue Lotus may be applied to the skin, when mixed with a carrier oil, to alleviate inflammation or pain.  And for those who suffer from oily skin and related skin issues like acne, pimples and scaring, it may help improve your oil balance and help maintain healthy glowing skin.  Limp, dull and graying hair can also benefit from this flower.  It can facilitate an increase in body and soothe brittle hair.


Consuming blue lotus products is not known to cause dependency or any serious adverse effects in healthy users. The only restrictions for blue lotus products apply to individuals with abnormal or altered levels of dopamine and glucose. This is not to say they shouldn’t consume it, but they should take precautions if doing so.  The psychological effects of consuming blue lotus are pleasurable, but not intense. The onset is about 15-20 min after use. Although the effects may vary, in sufficient doses, blue lotus can provide feelings of relaxation and euphoria. Do not take while pregnant or nursing.

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