9 Natural Herbs Ease the Bedwetting Battle

Approximately 15% of children in the U.S. are still wetting the bed at age 5, according to the Cleveland Clinic. That number decreases with age, occurring in 1-2 percent of children aged 14 and older. While boys are twice as likely as girls to wet the bed, it happens more frequently in children with developmental delays or emotional and behavioral difficulties. But there can be a variety of physical conditions that can contribute to the condition, as well. And according to the National Association for Incontinence, 5,000,000 Americans struggle with adult bedwetting. While the sources of bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, in adults and children are different; it is important to remember that it is involuntary.

Generally, your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control up to the age of seven. While waking up in soggy sheets and pajamas can be very distressing for a child, they need to understand that this is just a normal part of their development; and that they are not alone. It is a familiar scene in many homes.

Bedwetting can be very stressful for them, as well as for adults that are experiencing incontinence. But if you focus on the go-to causes like drinking too many fluids or laziness you may be missing the root cause of the problem. While dietary changes, like avoiding junk food and sodas, especially caffeinated or diet sodas, bedwetting can also be a genetic trait, nervous condition or something much more serious. Diabetes, hormonal imbalance, cystitis or urinary blockage, small or weak bladder, deep-sleeping disorder or urinary tract infection can all be contributing factors. When there is a physical impediment or neurological disconnect, urination can become problematic or mistimed.

Lifestyle changes, bladder training, moisture alarms may help reduce bed-wetting. And there are also natural nutrients that can promote healthy nocturnal continence. Here are several herbs that may be useful to gently and naturally help control bedwetting and boost confidence.

Corn silk is one of the most effective herbs for bed wetting and can be taken as a tincture to prevent the problem. It can treat urinary system conditions such as high blood pressure, edema, frequent urination or bedwetting. Corn silk has numerous nutritional benefits as it includes vitamin K, vitamin B, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, silicon, PAGA, calcium, and zinc. The herbal remedy is most effective on the bladder, particularly for infections and irritations. This herb helps to clear the toxins and deposits while working as a gentle antiseptic. It soothes and relaxes the urinary tract, reducing bedwetting and the potential cause of bacterial growth that leads to urinary tract infections. 

Plantain leaf is a frequently used herbal supplement in treating bedwetting in children. Plantain along with Corn silk has been used as a treatment for many urinary problems. Plantain leaf extract possesses astringent action that has the ability to tighten and tone tissues throughout the child’s body, including the bladder. Plantain leaves have also been used traditionally in the treatment of diarrhea, excessive menstruation, stomach ulcers, bowel and kidney problems.  

St. John’s Wort is an herbal supplement with a lot of healing power and in this instance, improves small muscle tone and can be very helpful for the treatment of bedwetting or incontinence in adults. It can produce remarkable results for natural bladder control and make for a more peaceful night. St. John’s wort tincture is an excellent herbal medicine for treating disorders of the nervous system, easing stress and apprehension as well as bed wetting associated with nightmares, insomnia, depression and other neurological issues. A number of sources confirm that St. John’s wort extract. In addition, the herb possesses diuretic properties and reduces fluid retention as well as eradicating toxins through the urine. It has also been used for inflammatory conditions such as gout and arthritis. 

Yarrow extract has a balancing effect on urinary flow in the kidneys and helps to cure bedwetting. It has been used to settle the nerves and reduce high blood pressure. Herbalists have recommended this herbal tincture for involuntary loss of urine, or bedwetting, shortness of breath, infant diarrhea, disorders of bone marrow, uterus problems, gas or infant colic, sore nipples, fistulas, Bright’s disease, hair loss, measles and other eruptive diseases. Yarrow may also be used by women for heavy or delayed menstruation and for the bleeding in between. It is helpful in conditions such as kidney infections and hematuria. 

The tincture of Mullein is a non-toxic herbal remedy that has been used through the generations to treat many maladies. It is said to produce a sense of peacefulness and especially helpful for those who suffer from chronic pain. Mullein extract can also be used to treat problems of the urinary system such as incontinence and bed wetting in children. It has a diuretic and astringent effect on the urinary tract and helps to tone the trigone muscle at the base of the bladder. Mullein has been commonly used in the treatment of colds and other viral infections, but may also be beneficial for more serious conditions such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. In addition, stress-induced flare-ups of dormant viruses such as herpes simplex are also treated with Mullein leaf tincture. 

Sarsaparilla has been used for arthritis, catarrh, colds, fever, gout, flatulence, pain, bladder infections, headaches, fluid retention and menstrual disorders. Today, Sarsaparilla tincture is used mainly for the urinary system and is an important remedy for cystitis and renal colic from kidney stones. It is also used as a tonic for physical weakness, enhancing the male reproductive system, inflammatory conditions associated enuresis, bedwetting or incontinence, urethral obstruction and debility associated with menopause. Minerals in Sarsaparilla include zinc, chromium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and iron. 

Cubeb berries oils are carminative, diuretic, stimulant and antiseptic and have been used historically as genitourinary antiseptics and are especially useful for clearing gonorrhea and viruses. Cubeb berry extract works well in treating kidney and liver conditions and has been used for the treatment of leucorrhea, cystitis, urethritis, abscesses of the prostate gland and piles. Cubeb is also expectorant and helpful in treating pulmonary infections such as bronchitis. 

Watermelon seed extract is a demulcent, diuretic and tonic, that is sometimes been used in the treatment of urinary passages and bedwetting. The seed is also a good vermifuge and has a hypotensive action that has been used to paralyze and expel worms, i.e. roundworm and tapeworms. Watermelon seed is a great diuretic for cleansing and toning the kidneys and bladder. It helps to remove excess water from the body and has been used for urinary tract infections, scalding urine and other inflammation and irritation of the system. The seeds are a rich source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, iron, and zinc.

Cayenne pepper has been used for thousands of years for its simple healing power on baffling health problems. Cayenne pepper works as a catalyst for all other herbs, to improve the condition being addressed. Its life-giving action is due to its stimulating effects on the circulatory system and the entire digestive system. Cayenne pepper tincture fights internal bacteria, relieves gas, and accentuates digestive enzymes. It also serves to clear congestion that is caused by colds and allergies, while reducing inflammation. It has been found to be useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, urolithiasis, urinary calculi. Capsaicin, the chemical found in Cayenne, has the ability to block the nerves involved in bladder pressure and renal insufficiency. Cayenne is a rich source of vitamin A and C, has all the B complexes, organic calcium, and potassium, which is one of the reasons it is so good for the heart.

There are also formulas that combine these ingredients. But whether you are trying single tinctures (extracts), or formulations, always consult with your doctor to make sure there are no side effects that may affect you adversely.

There is no shame in recognizing that you have a problem with bedwetting, whether a child or an adult. Accepting that bedwetting is a medical issue, and for whatever reason, your body is not functioning the way it should, is the first step.

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