Calm Holiday Stress with Natural Herbal Formulas

As much as we enjoy this time of year, it can also be very stressful. But there are herbal tincture formulas that make it easy to alleviate stress and anxiety, by combining synergetic herbs.
So, as you barrel through the holiday season this year, consider some natural solutions to keep your stress in check. Here are two calming herbal combinations that you might find helpful:
Mom’s Calm Formula
This formula is a combination of herbs that may help calm stress during the busy holiday season. Here are the ingredients and their properties.
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis) is a nonprescription herbal remedy for the treatment of mild to moderate depression, nervousness and anxiety and related disorders such as insomnia. Extracts of Valerian herb is thought to help disorders such as anxiety by increasing the concentration of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, in the brain. GABA helps to stimulate relaxation and calmness by regulating the nerve signals in the brain.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) contains an oil that seems to have calming effects and might relax certain muscles. People commonly use lavender for anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, dementia, pain, and many other conditions.
Certain active compounds in Chamomile extract work similar to anti-anxiety medications, which promote relaxation in the brain and nervous system. Chamomile has a relaxing effect on the body, and it has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, especially when it is a result of anxiety, its mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects may help those who suffer from sleeplessness. And it is useful for nervousness due to common everyday stress and fatigue.
Kava Kava Root (Piper methysticum)
Kava Root extracts and soothes your mind and body naturally. In Germany, it is used a non-prescription drug to reduce anxiety and has gained popularity in the U.S. for its relaxing effects. It is effective as a pain reliever, comparable to aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. Kava has a direct effect on the central nervous system, and it also has an effect onmuscle tension, similar to muscle relaxants and tranquilizers. It can produce a euphoric effect characterized by elevated mood. The relaxed state and the sharpening of the senses give Kava Kava its aphrodisiac effect.
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has at least ten pharmacologically active constituents, but researchers are most interested in hypericin and pseudo hypericin. It has been found to be a useful nervine herb that has been used by traditional healers to treat mild depression and has fewer side-effects than traditional antidepressants. St. John’s Wort root extract acts as an MAO-inhibitor, but it’s gentler. St John’s Wort tincture may be a good choice for treating depression in those who don’t respond well to.
Borage is a gamma-linolenic acid that comes from the seeds of the borage plant provides one of the essential omega 6 fatty acids. It has been used for hundreds of years in the treatment of many ailments such as stress, bronchitis, and the common cold. Rich in calcium, potassium and mineral salts, the nutrients help to stabilize the adrenal gland, which helps the body to cope with stress and brings about a level of happiness and energy that combats feelings of fatigue. It also helps the mind to focus and organize the chaos in a better way. Borage may help remedy melancholy, as it stimulates, energizes, and renews a zest for life.
Many herbalists have tested the effects of Passionflower extracts on humans to treat anxiety and depression and found it may have a very calming effect on the body. It works as a sedative with a tranquilizing effect as it contains chemicals called lactones and active components called flavonoids and alkaloids. Studies have shown that Passionflower herbal extract has a complex action on the central nervous system, acting as MAO inhibitors and antidepressants, yet all natural and non-habit forming when consumed in the correct dosage. Because of its relaxing qualities, Passionflower tincture is used as a sleep aid by those suffering from insomnia.
Gotu Kola increases general health and body strength, revitalizes, and rejuvenates. What makes it highly valuable though is its effects on depression, stress, and fatigue. Like foods with serotonin, it has also shown to reduce anxiety levels and increase mental and physical powers. Gotu Kola extract is a highly efficient mind-booster that can improve cognitive function, revitalize the brain and nervous system, increase attention span and memory. For this reason, it is sometimes called “food for the brain”.
Ginkgo Biloba is a herb sometimes used as an alternative treatment for depression with its antidepressant and anti-stress properties. This herb is primarily used to treat conditions characterized by reduced blood flow to the brain, even thinking disorders like depression. A study in “Phytotherapy Research” showed that lipophilic extracts of Ginkgo Biloba leaf may help to reduce stress-induced brain damage, a possible cause of some depression. By increasing blood flow both to the brain and body, which helps to improve memory and mood, it also has cardiovascular benefits.
Lobelia inflata has been used to help with depression and as a muscle relaxant. Delicate in nature, however, the energy it gives off is not delicate. It gives off an energy of strength and its application for intelligence and has been referred to as the “thinking herb”. Lobelia added to this formula because it has a way of thinking where healing is needed in the body, and then directing other herb ingredients where they are most needed.
Cayenne Pepper extract can certainly be a valuable nutritional component that in your herbal regimen. It is filled with vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and minerals, helpful for staying active and being spontaneous, which are all facets of depression recovery. Cayenne is the number one herbal remedy for boosting overall circulation in the body. When used with herbs like Ginkgo Biloba, Cayenne Pepper tinctures greatly help to boost circulation and heal the brain. This makes Cayenne another of the indirect herbal remedies for depression. Capsaicin might indirectly help to relieve anxiety symptoms through its ability to increase endorphins in the brain.
Sleep/Relax Formula
While there are many products on the market designed to help you fall asleep, herbal extracts are becoming the preferred choice for many people. This herbal formula is made of all natural ingredients that will allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.
Trying to enjoy a restful and rejuvenating sleep can be difficult for anyone who suffers from insomnia. People with insomnia are four times more likely to suffer from depression than those who sleep well at night. And a lack of sleep due to insomnia may contribute to a variety of illnesses.
Hops is a fast-acting nervine and sedative, that has been found to be useful for anxiety, hysteria, digestion, and stress-related illness. This herbal extract has been found to be completely safe for most of the population and is found as an ingredient in most quality natural sleep aids. Hops have a bitter quality and are an excellent herb for calming spasms in the digestive tract. On top of that, it is a tension reliever, as it helps to relax the muscle and soothe away anxiety. Obviously, this is why it is so beneficial for promoting sleep and is becoming more and more popular in natural sleep aids every day.
Valerian root has a long history of use as a mild sedative, and when taken as a supplement it may help to reduce the amount of time it takes to get to sleep. Valerian has a mild sedative effect, without the groggy side effects of some sleep enhancers. Over time, Valerian root can help with falling asleep and promote more regular sleep patterns. Oddly enough though, one of the most reported effects of Valerian, besides being extra effective for calming and helping you get to sleep more easily, is that it revs some people up. For this reason, it is critical to pay close attention to how your body is responding to the herb.
Skullcap is a natural way to relax, ease your nerves and get a restful sleep. It helps relieve premenstrual syndrome and monthly cramps. Skullcap is also considered to be very useful for alleviating the difficulties of alcohol, barbiturate, and drug withdrawal.
If you can stick to an herbal regimen and avoid stimulants, even though insomnia is a frustrating thing to deal with, with a little patience and changes in your rituals, you may be able to alleviate yourself from its grasp.
Tags: moms calm
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