Explore 8 Essential Winter Herbs

As winter approaches, it is a good time to inventory your medicine chest and make sure you have the right herbs you need, to combat cold weather maladies and winter woes, naturally.  Take a look at eight herbs that offer essential healing properties.

Arnica Flower (Arnica Montana)

Also known as Leopard’s Bane, Wolf’s bane, Mountain Tobacco, Mountain daisy and European Arnica, the plant and flower contain many active ingredients including compounds and volatile oils. The herb is believed to help increase circulation and helps reduce both pain and swelling from all minor injuries and postoperative swelling, providing immediate relief. Arnica is also touted as a means of relieving the pain from muscle soreness and sprain-related pain. You can apply the tincture directly to the skin, adding it to water or a carrier oil for external use. The herbal tincture has also been used as a soothing foot bath. Some of the most common uses of Arnica is in the treatment of bruises, sunburn and other forms of inflammation. Do not use on broken skin.

Calendula flower, aka Marigold flower, (Calendula officinalis)

Also known as pot marigold, Calendula flower has been used in compounds, oils, creams, and tinctures to treat minor skin problems.  A strong antiseptic and astringent with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Calendula has been used to relieve the symptoms of rashes, minor burns, acne, eczema, skin inflammation and conjunctivitis. Use calendula tinctures to soothe chapped skin and lips, rashes and scalp conditions.  Mix a few drops of the tincture with a carrier oil and apply directly to the affected area.

Catnip Leaf (Nepeta cataria)

Catnip is not just for cats.  This tincture can relieve common cold and flu symptoms, as well as stress and pain. Catnip, also known as field balm, is a strong herbal medicine used to break up mucus in the respiratory tract, and to soothe colds, tension, insomnia, and stomach upsets. It promotes the movement of food and infection out of the digestive system, while reducing muscle tightness and inducing overall relaxation. Catnip has been used to restore appetite in those who are recovering from illness and has been used in the treatment of anorexia. Catnip also has a diuretic effect which helps increase urine flow and reduce the risk of water retention. It is a natural emmenagogue (herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus)

The herb is gentle enough for children and is particularly good for relief from insomnia and nightmares. And the combination of Catnip with Fennel has long been used as a remedy for colic and teething difficulties in children.

Chamomile Flower (Maticara recutita)

This extract is commonly used for its soothing effects without side effects to sooths frayed nerves by slowing down the central nervous system. If you suffer from insomnia, stress, and anxiety, ADD, menstrual pain or fibromyalgia, this natural sedative acts as a tonic to help combat, depression, soothe your nerves and induce sleep. 

Chamomile has been used for upset stomachs, heartburn, and indigestion and to promote relaxation. The tincture may help calm ulcerative colitis, GERD, gastritis and improve digestion while supporting the gastrointestinal tract and easing a nervous stomach. It is frequently used to treat colic in infants and teething problems. Chamomile may also offer relief from morning sickness during pregnancy.

Chamomile is useful as a natural treatment for allergies and works much like an antihistamine would, as a dust-irritant reliever. It is also used to speed healing of wounds, skin ulcers, burns and to treat acne, eczema, and rashes, and is excellent for diaper rash.

Ginseng Root-Tienchi/Tian San Qi (Radix pseudo-ginseng)

Tienchi Ginseng Root a warming, blood enhancing tonic for tired, weak and blood deficient people of all ages that relieves lethargy and fatigue and boosts resilience when under environmental stress. The famous herbalist, Li Shi Zhen, wrote that Tienchi ginseng root is worth more than its weight in gold. Tienchi ginseng corrects irregular heartbeat and helps normalize blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. And this medicinal plant is commonly used to ease vomiting, coughing of blood, nosebleed, and gastrointestinal and urogenital bleeding that occur with gastric ulcers, Crohn’s disease and menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding). Tienchi also reduces associated pain and swelling and helps alleviate the pain in the affected organ and while increasing stamina.

Tienchi is the only ginseng with dual function both anticoagulant and coagulant because it has the ability to promote normal circulation and assists in the dispersal of congealed blood and can stop bleeding both internally and externally, without causing blood stasis. For this reason, it has been used as an aid to speed recovery from traumatic injury, including surgery and in the treatment of contused wounds, soft tissue injuries and bleeding, both internal and external. It is not recommended that you take this herb for a short period of time and expect instant results.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine this type of herb is especially helpful for weight management when combined with exercise and an appropriate diet.  Tienchi ginseng help ensure that your body is receiving the maximum amount of nutrients possible from the foods you eat.  And during exercise, Tienchi helps conserve stored energy and stimulates muscles to burn fat for energy, thus helping your muscles sustain longer periods of activity with less fatigue, reducing inflammation and ensuring faster healing.

Clinical evidence shows that blood sugar levels are lowered in Type-2 diabetics through Tienchi ginseng’s ability to enhance the action of insulin without increasing blood insulin levels. It has been used historically for chronic conditions of diabetics, such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy Basil is an herb that is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine and is considered to be the most sacred plant.  Reducing stress is not just a matter of feeling better; it is about being physically healthier. While the effects of this herb may be subtle at first, they are real and undeniable. It is sometimes referred to as “liquid yoga”, due to the stress-relieving properties of the herb and may be used to help control binge eating and soothe arthritis, inflammation, headaches, common colds, bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, and stomach disorders, as well as heart and artery conditions. These types of maladies can lead to chronic inflammation, slow metabolism, and abnormal immune responses. And the high levels of cortisol that are created lead to complications such as leaky gut syndrome, increased appetite, weight gain, thyroid disorders and an increase in the degeneration of brain neurons. Cortisol is also a common problem for those who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Holy Basil also works as an antioxidant to fight inflammation, bacteria, and viruses, while reducing pain and fever.  Because of this property, the herb may soothe malaria, ulcers, hiccups, eye, and skin diseases, various forms of poisoning (food, snake, scorpion, and others), and ringworm. The herb acts as a detoxifying, cleansing and purifying agent, both from within and without, therefore, it is good for your skin and especially clogged pores.

Holy Basil has been found to help provide protection against the instability of genes, caused by radiation. The antioxidant abilities aid in the removal of toxins from the body, as well as helping prevent inflammation and damage to healthy tissue. The phytochemicals in Holy Basil may help reduce chemical-induced skin, oral, liver and lung damage. 

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm is the ultimate medicinal plant for emotional detox and has been used for centuries to alleviate stress and anxiety. The herb is used for nervous agitation, functional gastrointestinal complaints, menstrual cramps, urinary spasms and symptoms of PMS. But it has so many other applications.

For a good night’s sleep, try Lemon Balm. It has been used for thousands of years as a calmative that, when combined with Valerian root tincture, improves sleep patterns. It may also be effective in treating ADD and ADHD and appears to relax muscle tension without daytime drowsiness. 

In the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Lemon Balm shows great promise, to positively affect cognitive abilities, promote calmness, enhance memory and improve mental clarity. This effect may be due to its antioxidant content.

Lemon Balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder and stomach is effective in calming the digestive tract. It relieves dyspepsia, colic, gas, upset stomach, nausea, indigestion and stomach cramps and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). And while it is strong enough to ease spasms, it is not so strong that it will cause constipation.

Lemon Balm promotes perspiration and cools the body by breaking a fever. It is especially helpful for treating the aches and fever of colds and flu. It is said to relieve bronchial catarrh and some forms of asthma. 

Because Lemon Balm is an antibacterial and antiviral, topical use of Lemon Balm has proven to speed the healing time of herpes simplex virus sores on the mouth and genitals when applied externally in a cream or salve. It makes a fine poultice that has anti-putrescent effects and has been used as a surgical dressing.

Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita)

Peppermint Leaf is useful for everything from fatigue relief to the treatment of coughs and sore throats. It is one of nature’s oldest home remedies for gas, nausea, heartburn, cramping, bloating, flatulence, hiccups, stomachaches, and other digestive problems.

And while Peppermint may reduce irritable bowel syndrome, it also cleanses the body, purifies the blood and clears skin disorders, such as acne, as well. Refreshing mint also helps reduce headaches when applied topically.

It has been found to be very effective relief of respiratory congestion by opening the nose, lungs, and throat, and may also help to overcome coughs and colds. The use of Peppermint leaf on a regular basis can help people with asthma because it can provide relaxation and help relieve breathing problems.

Peppermint has been used in face masks, as well as for fighting infections of the skin, rashes and bug bites. Peppermint leaf tincture may be added to a gargle and mouthwash for its ability to override germs and inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Because it is a blood purifier, and its anti-spasmodic effects, Peppermint leaf soothes muscles aches and is a great remedy for relieving the pain of menstrual cramps and for expectant mothers who suffer from morning sickness. 

Take a closer look at these eight essential herbs that you can add to your winter medicine chest, so they will be there when you need them.

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