Four Herbs to Improve Libido Naturally

We may not want to talk about it, even when we really need answers, but sexual and reproductive wellbeing is just as important as any other bodily function.  And while a healthy lifestyle and proper diet may go a long way, we all need a little help sometimes.  The amount of information on the subject can be deafening, but the answers are often quite simple. 

There are many herbs that can provide a safe and effective way to support your sexual health and vitality and improve fertility. Whether you are actively trying to conceive or struggling with impotence or low libido, herbs may be a great natural solution. While female and male infertility are commonly caused by pre-existing health conditions and environmental exposure, such as chemicals and toxins, lifestyle factors, such as diet, weight, recreational substance use, and physical activity can also be contributing factors.

Here are four herbs that can boost your libido and improve fertility and hormonal balance.  Be sure to consult your doctor or fertility specialist before you begin any herbal supplements or regimens to avoid any adverse interactions between herbs and any other supplements or treatment you may be currently using.

Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides)

Muira Puama, is known worldwide as a powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women that has been used to address impotence, infertility, nerve pain, menstrual troubles, and rheumatism. Muira Puama root extract is also classified as an energizer, cognitive enhancer, and sexual performance enhancing herb.

Native Amazonians combined this herb with Catuaba for improving libido and for treating erectile dysfunction and impotence in men. In some circles, it is considered to be ‘herbal Viagra’.  Both men and women can benefit from Muira Puama ability to enhance sensation, in terms of sexual arousal, as well as in other areas of the body. When taken for long periods of time, it may also increase the production of sexual and reproductive hormones in the body and help achieve sustained periods of arousal and possibly multiple orgasms. 

Muira Puama root can also play a role in bodybuilding. When combined with other performance herbs, it increases the levels of natural testosterone in the body, which can be important when performing stressful activities that require endurance, while building lean muscle mass.

Muira Puama tincture has a stimulant effect that can leave the user with a general feeling of well-being when taken in the proper dosage. This can have a positive effect on conditions such as mental and physical fatigue, as well as stress-related sexual dysfunction. However, large doses can cause overstimulation and leave the user feeling restless, which may affect sleep. Because the herb is not an artificial stimulant it, instead, fortifies the system over a period of time. 

Yohimbe Bark (Coryanthe yohimbe)

Considered to be a potent and effective aphrodisiac, Yohimbe Bark is used for both men and women. In men, it is said to be effective in boosting sexual performance. It is also very useful in cases of impotence and erectile dysfunction, whether brought on by age or stress or fatigue and is believed to enhance the quality and staying power of erections. Many women have reported significant arousal and increased pleasurable sensations, and it has been very helpful in cases of frigidity and lack of sexual interest.

Yohimbe Bark is thought to encourage blood flow to the penis and stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia, enhancing sensations and helping men with erection problems; and as a stimulant to the general nervous system.

Women may benefit from the stimulatory effect of Yohimbe Bark on the nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. It has the ability to increase blood flow to the genitals, increase the flow of adrenaline to nerve endings, enhance arousal and pleasure and effectively treat frigidity or a lack of interest. It also acts to “increase reflex excitability of the lower spinal cord region” and has a local anesthetic effect similar to a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant.

Some athletes claim that Yohimbe Bark helps increase performance and stamina when used as an alternative to anabolic steroids.

Tribulus Fruit (Tribulus terrestris)

Tribulus Terrestris is a desirable herb for athletes. Because it is believed to increase the body’s levels of testosterone, the herb is widely used to enhance muscle cell growth and boost bodily strength. Tribulus is said to be the closest and strongest natural herbal alternative to synthetic hormones and believed to effectively treat sexual dysfunction and boost a slow sex drive.

Tribulus Terrestris is known as a powerful aphrodisiac that may improve libido. Testosterone levels are thought to stimulate centers of the brain affecting sexuality in both men and women. This herb is said to enhance arousal, desire, and quality of sexual performance. Another reason for its libido-enhancing effect may be the herb’s hypotensive qualities, which are thought to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs of both sexes. In men, it is believed to improve the quality of erectile function and increase the concentration of sperm. In women, it is believed to enhance libido.

Herbal traditions have been used for centuries to help boost libido and fertility, without the use of modern drugs or medical intervention. If you are experiencing sexual health issues, maybe it is time to tap the potential of herbs that may enhance and support your sexual health and resolve them naturally.  

Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia)

Tongkat ali , is a popular folk remedy in Malaysia. It has been used as an aphrodisiac and as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and high blood pressure. Tongkat ali extracts may also increase the amount of testosterone in males to maintain erections and potentially increase muscle mass. It is used extensively for its aphrodisiac effects and believed to enhance sexual passion, stamina, sensitivity, circulation in the penis and fertility.

The testosterone-increasing effect of this herb makes it a popular resource for athletes and bodybuilders as an alternative to anabolic steroids. It promotes muscle-building, strength and increases your internal temperature by raising the heart rate and speeding the flow of blood throughout the body. Thermogenic agents are often used in dieting and weight loss plans. Unlike steroids, however, Tongkat Ali contains anxiolytic, or anxiety-reducing, capabilities. Studies have shown that the herb can be compared medicinally to diazepam.

Maybe it is time to explore the virtues of natural solutions to sexual and reproductive health concerns. When applied correctly, herbs can supplement your diet with vitamins and nutrients and correct biological imbalances. They can be powerful tools in the treatment for everything from the common cold to, yes, even infertility and libido.

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