Kick That Persistent Cough Naturally

7 Herbal Solutions

There are many ailments that can produce a lingering or persistent cough.  And more often than not, with proper evaluation, you can treat it with natural herbal options that can quickly remedy that nagging cough.

The cough often occurs following upper respiratory tract infections that first appears within the nose, sinuses, throat or voice box that may include fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, headache and muscle aches.

Here are the most common reasons you might be experiencing a persistent cough. 

Post-infectious, or post-viral Coughs 

This is a common type of lingering cough, affecting those who have recently had an upper respiratory infection. This lingering cough is often referred to as “sub-acute,” meaning it persists for more than three weeks after the infection, but less than eight.

Inflamed Airways Cough

After an upper respiratory infection, your airways can become sensitive and it may originate from the nerves in your airway, or when an inflamed airway becomes more sensitive. Or it may be caused by the body’s increased mucus production. 

This type of persistent cough will usually resolve on its own. But using herbal solutions to reduce cough, inflammation, and mucus may be helpful for relieving symptoms. 

Postnasal Drip, Drip, Drip Cough

Postnasal drip, or Upper Airway Cough Syndrome, can occur when nasal or sinus areas become irritated or inflamed, especially for those with chronic asthma. Mucus drains down the throat and triggers a cough.  The inflammation leads to colds, sinus infections, and allergies. The result can be a dry cough, or a wet cough with some mucus production. 

Symptoms that present themselves during postnasal drip may be the sensation of liquid dripping down the back of your throat, constant throat clearing, nighttime cough, hoarseness and nasal discharge. 

Asthma Cough

Asthma can sometimes produce severe coughing and the cough is typically worse at night, especially when it follows an upper respiratory infection or exposure to cold temperatures or certain allergens, like dust or fumes. It can also be triggered by laughing or physical activity. 

If you have a persistent cough with no other symptoms, you should always visit your primary care provider to rule out asthma as the cause.

Here are 8 Herbal Solutions that may help quiet that nagging cough:

Elderberry Syrup Plus (Flower & Berry with Cinnamon, Clove and Honey) This first formula herb is a must have in our medicine chest for a go to cough syrup.  It Is a delicious and powerful formula that goes above and beyond being a simple Elderberry syrup.  The formula provides extra vitamin C through the herbs and adds extra Ascorbic acid as well as Echinacea. 

The formula includes:

  • Elderberry flowers and berries are sweat inducing and will promote free perspiration which will generally help to get rid of flu quickly.  Elderberry flowers are used to treat bronchial and upper respiratory disorders.
  • Wolfberries have been used for tuberculosis, coughs, and asthma and provide high quality nourishment for the blood, nerves and heart.
  • Echinacea has been deemed the “King of all blood purifiers”. Considered a valuable alternative to antibiotics. This herb has very strong immune-activating abilities.
  • Astragalus is one of the most popular herbs used in the Orient. Used for debilitating conditions, it has been beneficial in treating colds and has also been used for immune function and infection.
  • Ginger is warming and stimulating. and has a beneficial effect on the lungs, helping to dispel mucus and phlegm. Taken hot, it promotes sweating and is helpful for colds and flu. Chewing the root will stimulate the saliva and benefit the sore throat.
  • Cloves Bud is the most powerful aromatic and carminative herb.  Clove kills intestinal parasites and possesses broad anti-microbial properties against fungi and bacteria so it is valuable in treating a variety of ailments
  •  Cinnamon Bark is warming to the body, that can soothe coughing and wheezing.
  • Orange Peel and Lemon Peel are both high in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C.

Coltsfoot Leaf (Tussilago farfara) Coltsfoot Leaf has been used for thousands of years as an herbal remedy for relief of asthma, bronchitis, nasal congestion, dry coughs, whooping cough, chronic emphysema, laryngitis, sore throat and other respiratory and inflammatory conditions. In fact, the botanical name, The leaves contain zinc which have an anti-inflammatory action and has been found to be helpful in the treatment of sore throats, laryngitis, hoarseness, smokers’ cough and pharyngitis, colds and other viral infections.

As an expectorant herb, it has a soothing action that encourages the production and expulsion of phlegm from the lungs and has been used for relief of pleurisy, pneumonia, and colds. Coltsfoot Leaf tincture acts as an antispasmodic that calms the smooth muscle and controls the cough reflex.  This makes it very effective in easing coughing, wheezing, and spasmodic coughing. Also rich in tannins, its astringent nature promotes rapid tissue healing.

Chickweed Leaf (Stellaria media) is a little-known herb that has long been used by Native Americans for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, whooping cough, colds, and sore throat. The humble Chickweed is still used by herbalists to soothe the inflamed tissue of sore throats, coughs, bronchitis, pleurisy, hoarseness, chronic cough, nasal congestion, colds and other viral infections.

Chickweed is a demulcent, which means it produces mucilage that helps to soothe and protect tender and inflamed tissues. As an expectorant, Chickweed leaf soothes bronchial spasms and eliminates mucus by supporting a productive cough. This herbal tincture can have an enormous effect on asthma and allergy symptoms, even smoker’s cough, by moisturizing and soothing the membranes of the throat and lungs, while at the same time disarming toxins and bacteria.

Hyssop Leaf (Hyssopus officinalis) Ancient Greeks used Hyssop to treat coughing and wheezing, to bring relief for chest ailments, such as the common and other respiratory infections. Modern practitioners of herbal medicine prescribe Hyssop for respiratory illness. It is believed to help reduce and get rid of phlegm, particularly with chronic congestion and unproductive coughs. It has been a time-honored remedy to ease asthma, bronchitis, coughs, chest colds and stuffy nose. Hyssop also soothes mucous membranes in the respiratory system and eases hoarseness (in laryngitis and pharyngitis), and sore throat. This has also been used as herbal support for the immune system to promote fever and help fight off colds and other viral infections.

Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare) is a common herb used in our kitchens and also an old-fashioned cough remedy that will loosen phlegm and ease coughs and colds. Fennel is considered a very effective expectorant that has been known to expel mucus accumulations. It is a fine remedy for respiratory ailments, including asthma and bronchitis. The herb contains creosol and alpha-pinene, two agents that help to loosen phlegm and bronchial secretions and thereby ease non-productive coughs and relieve colds. Fennel appears to increase the efficacy of the antibiotic, streptomycin when used against tuberculosis, although it shows no effect on the disease-causing bacteria themselves.

Cubeb Berries (Piper cubeba) has been shown to be effective in easing the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and has a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Cubeb extract is considered a fine expectorant that loosens and expels excess phlegm and mucus as well as relieving chronic laryngitis, pharyngitis, hay fever, asthma, dry cough, and sinusitis. 

Cubeb Berry is closely related to Black Pepper and has been used for hundreds of years for its ability to open the breathing passages and it has antiseptic qualities that allow it to help fight infection. It also helps to expel excessive mucous discharge and ease bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, laryngitis and dry coughs.

White Pine Bark (Pinus strobis) is an old and trusted remedy for colds and flu. It loosens and expels phlegm from the respiratory tract, easing bronchitis and lung congestion.  The warming qualities can stimulate circulation, which may be helpful in warding off colds and flu before they can settle in.

One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, White Pine Bark is an excellent expectorant.  The inner bark has long been a standard herbal remedy for treating coughs, whooping cough, croup, bronchitis, laryngitis and chest congestion due to colds.

All coughs are not equal. If you have a “chronic cough”, (one lasting more than 8 weeks, your cough may not have been caused by a simple respiratory infection or cold. And ignoring it will not make it go away.  Consult with your primary care provider to diagnose the cause and better understand how to treat it naturally.

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