Control Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Woman Sneezing in the Park

4 Herbal Solutions

Woman sneezing in a park.

Whether they flare up seasonally, or they haunt you throughout the year, sinus allergy episodes leave us feeling lethargic and irritable, at best.  And it gets worse if those episodes lead to a sinus infection.  As the occurrence of chronic allergies rises each year, you may find yourself resorting to allergy medications for relief and, unfortunately, they may become part of your daily routine.

Physically, we experience a sinus allergic reaction when a foreign substance, most commonly pollen or dander, is absorbed into your body.  Your immune systems believe it is being compromised and responds by creating antibodies to fight off the attackers. The result is inflammation, swollen sinuses, headaches, skin reactions and often sinus infection.

While pharmaceutical allergy treatments are easily accessible and widely used, they are merely suppressing your symptoms temporarily, while making you drowsy and restless. And other side effects may occur with the use of decongestants, like an increase in blood pressure, headache, sleeplessness, and irritability. Long-term side effects of decongestants are unknown and long-term use of antihistamines may influence brain and liver function, while corticosteroids and leukotriene inhibitors have more insidious side effects.

Unfortunately, environmental factors like climate change, overcrowding and, ironically, the insulated sterile surroundings we have created, all play an important role in creating a world where we are increasingly more likely to develop allergies to airborne allergens.

But here is the thing, allergies can be managed through natural methods. We don’t have to resort to 24-hour allergy pills and potent decongestants.  Natural, safe methods, when combined with lifestyle changes and plant-based remedies, can relieve our symptoms will restoring our well-being without the disruptive side effects of pharmaceutical solutions.

Here are 4 Alternative Herbal Remedies for Allergies and Hay Fever

Nettle Leaf is commonly found around the world.  In plant form, its flat, heart shaped leaves induce a painful sting.  But when consumed in tea or tincture, Nettle acts a natural antihistamine, modulating an immune response. This herb also inhibits some of the inflammatory processes that lead to allergic rhinitis and hay fever symptoms such as congestion and itchy skin. Some studies of those with allergic rhinitis symptoms, show a positive, equally effective response to their symptoms.

Elderberry Flower (Sambucas nigra) has been used to relieve the symptoms of allergies to pollens and other allergens and to reduce sinusitis and sinus inflammation. Respiratory problems are no rival for Elderberry. With its antiviral, antibiotic and antibacterial properties, it is an excellent remedy for asthma, bronchial infections, and sinusitis. If you are suffering from fever, then Elderflower will help you find relief. It will cause the body to sweat and allow the heat to be released. Elderberry flower is said to reduce the course of the infection for a cold or flu, but it can also ease mucus congestion from seasonal allergies and hay fever.

Fenugreek cleanses the bronchial passages and is a natural remedy for sore nasal passages and inflammation throughout the body. The sinuses are made of tissue lined with mucous membranes that help to prevent unwanted airborne particles from entering the body. Fenugreek cleanses the mucous membranes, helping the sinus cavity to properly drain excessive secretions. Fenugreek tincture may also help restore normal blood flow to the nasal passages, thus alleviating nasal congestion and sinus pressure. It is a fine expectorant that relieves asthma congestion and is also good for coughs, colds and lung disorders. Fenugreek may also help dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus sometimes associated with tuberculosis.

Allergy Relief Compound Formula includes Bayberry Root Bark, Echinacea Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Yarrow Flower, Goldenseal Root, Cayenne Pepper  This seasonal relief herbal formula is a combination of six herbs that are helpful in decreasing reactions to airborne substances. It is all natural, safe and effective in helping to promote respiratory health and a healthy immune system. It has been used effectively to clear airway passages, promote normal breathing and neutralize free radicals which can damage your body’s systems and allows the body to combat the things that are foreign to the body. This all-natural formula consists of herbs that promote a healthy respiratory system, no matter what the season brings.

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