Love the Skin You Are In

Our skin is more than just a cosmetic façade; it is our armor.  It is the body’s largest organ in size and provides crucial protection against exposure from environmental factors. It keeps our body temperature even by contracting and enlarging capillaries beneath the surface of the skin to warm or cool; and it collects essential vitamin D from the sun.

And that armor is full of nerve endings that sense heat, cold, and pain that otherwise would go unnoticed. It protects our body fluids that keep us hydrated and deflects infectious microbes, preventing damage to our bones, muscles, and internal organs.

The most common reaction to skin disorders is to treat the symptoms from the outside, which is necessary.  But skin inflammation is often a sign of toxins inside the body.  A better approach to most skin issues is to detoxify your body and expel these toxins from the inside to prevent further outbreaks, while attending to the exterior with care.

Here are some suggestions that may help rejuvenate and control skin maladies.

Acne is caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. When hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, they create a breeding ground for the bacteria. The follicle wall breaks down and the bacteria spreads to form pimples. All of the rules still apply; keep your face clean; avoid touching and use a mile astringent like witch hazel to keep your skin clean.  But the major cause of acne is believed to be hormonal turbulence, which makes the skin more vulnerable to bacterial growth.

A regular regimen of beneficial herbs can help create hormonal balance, allowing the skin to heal.  The formula Acne and Skin Disorders|Combination Liquid Formula #1003 was created to balance hormones.  The formula contains Black Walnut Hulls, Burdock Root, Yellow Dock Root, Golden Seal Root, Valerian Root, Pau d’Arco Bark, Sassafras Root, Echinacea Root, Plantain Leaf, Chickweed Leaf, Garlic Bulb, Astragalus Root.  It can be useful to improve blood circulation, which, in turn, prevents recurrence and helps nourish skin that has been damaged by acne. 

A Mole is a skin growth that occurs when cells in the skin (melanocytes) grow into a cluster.  Our bodies naturally produce melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color, but when the cells cluster, they create a mutation that often appears as small, dark brown spots. Moles generally appear during childhood and adolescence. They can develop anywhere on our bodies and they may change in appearance or fade away over time. Most moles are harmless and rarely, become cancerous. However, monitoring moles and other pigmented patches is an important step in detecting skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma.

Oregano oil, for external use only, may be helpful in treating and removing mole growth.  The Oregano used for making the essential oil, is not the same as the oregano spice you put on your food. Wild oregano, medicinal grade, is distilled to extract the oils and to preserve its healing compounds, and it takes over 1000 pounds to produce just 1 pound of the essential oils. One of the compounds of wild Oregano, carvacrol, is the most important and the reason Oil of Wild Oregano is so potent. The oil can be harsh on the skin and must be diluted with a carrier oil, such as castor oil (purchase non edible version of castor oil at a health food store). When applied a few times a day for several weeks, the combination of oils may help remove a mole.

Dark Spots and Freckles: Because dark spots are sometimes similar in appearance to cancerous growths, it is crucial that you consult your physician if you experience any changes in your skin (such as an increase in the size of a dark spot). You should also seek medical attention if a dark spot has a jagged or otherwise irregular border.  Other causes for concern include dark spots with a combination of colors, as well as dark spots accompanied by such symptoms as bleeding, itching, and/or redness.

Lemon peel is great for wrinkles and dark spots, but also acne and pimples, because it contains antioxidants that can help detoxify the skin. Lemon peel may enhance the softness, clarity, and glow of the skin. Lemon peel contains citric acid and plant acids which work to cleanse, lighten and brighten dull or dry scaly skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles from free radical damage, and stimulates new skin growth. This action may be due to the elimination of the impurities present in skin cells (and dead skin), and by purifying the blood vessels. Apply the extract to age spots twice daily for a few months and take internally to cleanse cells through the blood stream. 

Elderflower has been used topically, in an ointment, to fade freckles and skin blemishes and to whiten and soften the skin. It has also been used internally as a blood purifier tonic.  Elderflower opens the pores, and aids in the further elimination of toxic material and impurities from the body through the skin.

Eczema/Psoriasis:  According to the National Psoriasis Society, with eczema, our skin may not produce the necessary fats and oils and will be less able to retain water. This dehydration weakens the protective barrier, allowing bacteria or irritants to more easily pass through pores.  The skin breaks down begins to break down and quickly becomes irritated, cracked and inflamed.  Once these irritants pass through the weakened area, they trigger our immune system to respond by filling the affected area with blood, causing redness. The resulting inflammation can be further irritated by certain foods, temperature and humidity, stress levels, and strenuous activities.

Unfortunately, these irritants and triggers are often a normal part of everyday life and a weakened protective barrier may lead to many life-altering problems that come with eczema and psoriasis. But there are some natural solutions

Eczema & Skin Disorders Myrrh-Goldenseal Blend is a blend of Myrrh gum, Goldenseal root.  This formula was designed specifically for psoriasis, eczema, and other obstinate forms of dermatitis, using a combination of these two herbs. When used in combination, Myrrh gum and Goldenseal root may help to renew and heal many skin disorders. This is good news, particularly to relieve the suffering of this chronic malady by alleviating the symptoms of these conditions. The formula also addresses other skin disorders, such as open sores, ulcer, and varicose veins. It is to be used both internally and topically.

Eczema & Skin Renewal Formula, for external use only, detoxifies, nourishes and restores the skin. It rejuvenates the skin for a clear, healthy radiance. This formula has been used to help to heal many skin disorders including eczema, open sores, ulcers and varicose veins. The formula consists of White Oak Bark, Comfrey Leaf, Self-Heal herb, Arnica Flower, Lobelia Leaf, Wormwood, Black Walnut Hull, Marshmallow Root, Mullein, Green Tea

Black Walnut Hulls has also been used for certain skin conditions, including eczema, pruritus, psoriasis, and warts. 

Finally, to prevent most skin irregularities, it is important to limit your sun exposure and to use sunscreen whenever you spend time outdoors in daylight hours. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends applying one ounce (the equivalent of a shot glass, or about two tablespoons) of sunscreen to the face and body. This includes applying a nickel-sized dollop to the face alone.

When selecting a sunscreen, opt for a natural solution, or, better yet, make your own, to ensure safe, optimal protection.  Herbs with SPF properties include peppermint leaf and cilantro.  Research shows that the extract of Cilantro helps in fighting skin spots by about 30%, due to the presence of antioxidants like chlorogenic and caffeic acid. These two acids presented in Cilantro help trap free radicals that are produced as a result of overexposure to the sun. . Try a combination of these while formulating your sunscreen.

Homemade Sunscreen with Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil (jojoba or sweet almond oil may be substituted)

Aloe Vera is a good active ingredient to reach for in your homemade sunscreen arsenal to both treat and prevent burns on your skin.

Note: This recipe is not waterproof, and will need to be reapplied often.


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (has an SPF of 7)
  • 2 (or more) tbsp. powdered zinc oxide
  • 1/4 cup pure aloe vera gel (must be 50 percent or higher aloe)
  • 1 dropper peppermint leaf extract or cilantro extract.
  • 1 cup (or less) shea butter for a spreadable consistency


  1. Combine all ingredients, except the zinc oxide and aloe vera gel, in a medium saucepan. Let the shea butter and oils melt together at medium heat.
  2. Let cool for several minutes before stirring in aloe vera gel.
  3. Cool completely before adding zinc oxide. Mix well to make sure the zinc oxide is distributed throughout. You may want to add some beeswax or another waxy substance for a stickier consistency.

Store in a glass jar, and keep in a cool, dry place until you’re ready to use.

Homemade Sunscreen Spray

To make a homemade sunscreen spray, combine the ingredients as described above, minus the shea butter.

Once the mixture has cooled completely, you can add a bit more aloe vera gel and a carrier oil such as almond oil, which has SPF properties of its own, until the mixture is a spray consistency. Store in a glass spray bottle and keep refrigerated for best results.

Homemade sunscreen for oily skin

If you have oily skin, some essential oils can actually correct overproduction of sebum (oil) on your skin.  If you’re concerned about oil buildup on your skin, follow the recipe above, but swap out coconut oil for another carrier oil, such as jojoba oil or sweet almond oil.

Our skin is the moat surrounding our physical being, alerting us to danger and fending off environmental enemies.  We need to show it some love.

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