The Antiviral/Antibacterial Properties of Lomatium Root

Lomatium root, also known as Desert Parsley root, considered to be an adaptogen, may be beneficial for conditions including coughs, colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis, hay fever and asthma. It seems especially effective against viruses of the respiratory tract.

Widely used by Native Americans to treat respiratory infections and skin conditions, Lomatium has been used to increase resistance to certain microbes, specifically viruses, including corona varieties. Lomatium seems to target viruses of the respiratory tract. Common names include biscuitrootIndian parsley, and desert parsley. It is in the family Apiaceae and related to many familiar edible species, such as carrots and celery.

Many of the plant’s antiviral compounds are excreted out through the mucous membranes of the lungs clearing congestion and working as a mild expectorant. When taken at the first sign of illness, Lomatium it can be an invaluable remedy. Though it can still be effective after an infection has already been established. 

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of Lomatium dissectum have attracted the interest of herbalists and Naturopathic physicians who are utilizing it in the treatment of today’s most difficult viral diseases. It may be part of a protocol in the treatment of hepatitis-C, HIV, AIDS, chronic fatigue, and other viral infections.

The full potential of Lomatium root is still virtually unknown, but there are strong advocates for the use of the herb, as it absolutely shines in cases of viral infections. Lomatium root may help to relieve congestion and stomach upset that can accompany the flu. Recent research shows that the herb has immense immune boosting properties, and actually helps the immune system by reducing inflammation in the body. 

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