Try Natural Solutions for Thyroid Imbalance

Thyroid conditions affect around 200 million people worldwide and 20 million in the United States alone. And women are 5 to 8 times more likely to have a thyroid condition than men. Other contributing factors include Radiation Exposure, Pernicious anemia, Type 1 diabetes, Celiac disease, Addison’s disease, Lupus. Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome.
This delicate, butterfly-shaped, endocrine gland, our thyroid, has a big job. It controls thyroid hormone production, providing energy to every cell in our bodies, and it controls our metabolic rate. This process transforms the food we consume into energy. So, when our thyroid is not working properly, it can cause a hormone imbalance that may impact many functions of our bodies.
The two main types of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). However, because the symptoms of a thyroid condition often mimic other medical conditions you may experience during different stages of life, it can make it difficult to know if your symptoms are related to a thyroid issue or something entirely different. But one thing is certain. Without treatment, these disorders can severely impact quality of life.
Lifestyle changes, including diet and natural herbs can be a valuable resource in your treatment plan for thyroid disease. However, you should always contact a doctor or healthcare professional if you experience symptoms relating to thyroid conditions to confirm your medical history, complete proper testing and discuss current medications you are taking.
Here are some herbal formulas that may be beneficial:
(Read more about the formulas and contraindications by clicking on the link)
Parathyroid Support is a formula to help strengthen the Parathyroid especially when it is considered Hyper. Ingredients include Dandelion leaf, Chaste tree berry, Turmeric and Poke Root
Adrenal Support is a Dr. Christopher original. It helps to balance the adrenals and also compensates for any stress placed on the heart. Ingredients include Mullein, Lobelia, Siberian ginseng, Gotu Kola, Ginger, Cayenne
Thyroid Love Support Ingredients in this formula work to balance thyroid levels and include Ashwagandha, Bladderwrack, Schizandra berry, Nettle leaf, Eleuthero root, Licorice root, Lemon balm, Plantain, Lobelia
Cholesterol Support Ingredients include Flor de Manita which is commonly used to treat nervousness, epilepsy, headaches, insomnia, depression, dizziness, pain, inflammation, ulcers, eye inflammation, piles and as a stimulant for heart problems. It has also been used to reduce water retention and cholesterol. It can also clean the arteries thereby supporting cardiovascular health.
And Fenugreek, which aids in hormone production and facilitates the development of the mammary glands that “feed” on estrogens. Research shows that the seeds can inhibit cancer of the liver, lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Fenugreek may also have an anti-diabetic effect.
Listed below are typical symptoms that may point to, first underactive thyroid and second to overactive thyroid.
Common Underactive Thyroid Symptoms:
Joint or Muscle Aches
Thinning Hair
Brittle Nails
Brain Fog
Dry Skin
Trouble Sleeping
Heart Rate
Unexplained Weight Gain
Cold Sensitivity
Heavy Menstrual periods
Some root causes for underactive thyroid include:
Hashimoto’s disease is a lifelong (chronic) autoimmune condition that can cause an underactive thyroid.
Iodine deficiency isa lack of iodine in your diet can lead to hypothyroidism and often causes goiter growth on the thyroid.
Congenital hypothyroidism sometimes occurs when babies are born with a missing or underactive thyroid. The overall incidence of congenital hypothyroidism ranges from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 4,000 live births, with variations worldwide among different ethnicities.
Common Overactive Thyroid Symptoms
Difficulty Sleeping
Unexplained Weight Loss
Heat Sensitivity
Clammy or Sweaty Heat
Anxiety, Irritability or Nervousness
Irregular or Lack of periods
Some root causes for overactive thyroid include:
Graves’ disease, a chronic autoimmune condition that causes an overactive thyroid and the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid nodules are abnormal lumps on your thyroid gland. If the nodules are hyperfunctioning, they can lead to hyperthyroidism.
Excessive iodine can cause your thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones than you need. Certain medications, like the heart medication, amiodarone may lead to excessive iodine levels.
Conditions that can cause both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism include:
Thyroiditis is an inflammation (swelling) of your thyroid gland. It typically causes temporary hyperthyroidism at first and then temporary or chronic hypothyroidism.
Postpartum thyroiditis is a rare condition that affects some women, postpartum. An estimated 5% of women may experience this during the year after giving birth. It typically causes hyperthyroidism first, followed by hypothyroidism but it is usually temporary.
Tags: cholesterol, metabolism, thyroid
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